Very thin line or gap about the width of a hair: 1/100 inch.
Very thin line or gap about the width of a hair: 1/100 inch.
Web press whose width and cutoff allow printing eight 8 1/2 x 11 pages on one press sheet.
To photograph continuous-tones through a screen to convert the image into dots. The result is also called a halftone and may be either positive or negative and on film or paper.
Dots that by their varying sizes create the illusion of shading or a continuous-tone image.
Piece of film containing a grid of lines that breaks light into dots as it passes through.
Alternate term for Case bind.
Bound with a case of binder’s board.
Švino, stibio ir alavo spaustuvinis lydinys raidėms, eilutėms, tarpams lieti; susidėvėjęs spaustuvinis šriftas, skirtas perlydyti.
Adjustable posts on register unit of a press that properly position leading edge of a sheet.
Web press equipped with oven to make ink dry faster, thus able to print coated paper.
Teksto ir iliustracijų dauginimo prietaisas, kuriame specialiu rašalu užrašytas popieriuje tekstas ar iliustracija užspaudžiama ant tam tikros dažus sugeriančios medžiagos (želatinos, glicerino ir vandens drebučių) paviršiaus ir, prie jo spaudžiant švarius popieriaus lapus, gaunamos kopijos (iki 100 egz.).
Fotomechaninis giliaspaudės būdas, kai spaudos forma gaunama atvaizdo diapozityvą specialiame pigmentiniame popieriuje chemiškai apdorojant ir perkeliant ant varinės plokštelės.
Donut-shaped spot or imperfection in printing, most visible in areas of heavy ink coverage.
Rašto ženklai, žymintys daiktus ar sąvokas; perkeltine prasme – neišskaitomas, sunkus skaityti raštas.
Few or no tonal gradations between dark and light areas.
Paper made relatively thick in proportion to its basis weight.
The lightest areas in a photograph or halftone.
Charge made to clients who keep photograph longer than agreed to.
Alternate term for Ink holdout.
Slapyvardis, sudarytas iš kito autoriaus pavardės.