Saddle stitch
To bind by stapling sheets together where they fold at the spine.
To bind by stapling sheets together where they fold at the spine.
Leidinio (knygos) bloko kraštas, esantis prie nugarėlės, prie kurio tvirtinamas viršelis.
Rankraščių ir spausdintų tekstų dauginimo prietaisas, veikiantis hektografo principu.
Knygos, žurnalo bloko sudedamoji dalis, gaunama sulanksčius popieriaus lapą į 1–4 dalis (gali būti nuo 4 iki 32 puslapių).
Ornamentų arba raidžių įspaudimas į popierių, kartoną, nepatepus spaudos formos dažais.
Periodinis leidinys, paprastai laikraštis, išeinantis kartą per savaitę.
To identify the percent by which images should be enlarged or reduced.
Alternate term for Proportional scale.
Electronic device used to make color separations and sometimes halftones and duotones.
To compress paper along a line so it will fold more easily.
Piece of film with dots of uniform density, used to make plates that will print screen tints. See also Halftone screen.
Amount of ink, expressed as percent of coverage, that a specific screen allows to print.
Method of printing by forcing ink through a mesh stencil.
The number of rows or lines of dots per inch in a screen for tint or halftone.
Area of image printed with dots so ink coverage is less than 100% and simulates shading or a lighter color.
To scratch lines into emulsion of a negative.
Undesirable thin film of ink covering non-image area of printed sheet,
Laikraščio ar žurnalo skyrius (padalinys), atliekantis leidinio techninį redagavimą, rengiantis leidinį spaudai pagal poligrafijos reikalavimus.
Publication made entirely from the same paper so that cover is printed simultaneously with inside pages.
Printed piece designed to be mailed without an envelope.