In photography, characteristic of an image that lacks contrast. In printing, an assembly of negatives taped to masking material and ready for platemaking.
In photography, characteristic of an image that lacks contrast. In printing, an assembly of negatives taped to masking material and ready for platemaking.
Iškiliosios spaudos būdas, kai spausdinama iš elastingų (guminių, plastiko) spaudos formų greit džiūstančiais organiniais sintetiniais dažais rotacinėmis mašinomis keliomis spalvomis įvairių rūšių popieriuje, celofane, sintetinėje plėvelėje, metalo folijoje.
Method of printing on a web press using rubber plates with raised images.
To cover a sheet with ink or varnish.
To reproduce a photograph or illustration so that its image faces opposite from the original.
Cover that is trimmed to the same size as inside pages, as with paperback books.
Paper pleat between the walls in corrugated cardboard.