Characteristic of an image on film or paper in which blacks in the original subject are white or clear and whites in the original are black or opaque. Also, piece of film on which negative image appears.
Characteristic of an image on film or paper in which blacks in the original subject are white or clear and whites in the original are black or opaque. Also, piece of film on which negative image appears.
Alternate term for White space.
Spaudos būdas, kai atspaudas gaunamas neliečiant popieriaus ar kito spausdinamojo paviršiaus, o dažai nuo spaudos formos ant popieriaus perkeliami elektromagnetiniu lauku.
Vienkartis leidinys, kurį toliau leisti iš anksto nenumatyta. Tai knyga, brošiūra, rinkinys, albumas, lankstinukas.